Monday, September 19, 2016

Bulletin Board Dump

Here are a few of the bulletin boards I have created so far this year!

I hope that these help to inspire you in your own creations :) 

What I did this summer!

Hello all, I hope you had a restful and exhilarating summer! I myself traveled to Europe for the first time ever. Needless to say it was exciting. When I got back from my vacation I painted a staircase to the entrance of a local middle school as well as some old, unused lockers. This middle school is an Arts Magnet Middle School, so on the lockers I painted in the style of a few famous artists. I did not finish my task, and will be sure to post the final installments upon completion! Here is what I did complete:

The remaining artists include: Piet Mondrian, Romero Britto, Vincent van Gogh, and Roy Lichtenstein.