Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Art Room Tour 17-18!

Every year I have changed the layout of my tables/teacher desk trying to find the most efficient use of space is a smaller sized art room. This year I may have found a winner!

Other new things in my room include: the pencil above my desk with my name on it and the color coded paint cans hanging from the ceiling (LOVE these).

Another brag moment: I FINALLY organized my how-to-draw books with labels and stickers. Now heres to hoping they stay this organized all year long ;)

Still on the to do list: Get rid of those tired elements and principles posters and come up with/find some that are more elementary friendly. Have any suggestions for me? Please comment!

On to the pictures...

Check out the FREEBIES section of my blog to download your own watercolor rules, hand washing, and paint brush washing posters.

If you have any questions about anything you see, ask in the comments and I'd love to give you the info!

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